caltrans paving project ben lomond feltonInfrastructure Local News Road Conditions Transportation 

Hwy 9 Paving Project Begins 8/19 Between Felton and Ben Lomond

In the Santa Cruz Mountains, a major Highway 9 paving project between Lazy Woods Drive in Felton and California Drive Ben Lomond is set to begin Monday August 19. A total of 2.7 miles will be ground and paved. Initial work focuses on ADA curb ramp construction in Ben Lomond.

In a statement, Caltrans confirmed, “The 2.7 mile paving project will grind off the top layer of existing asphalt pavement and overlay the roadway with the same respective thicknesses using rubberized hot mix asphalt. A total of seven existing curb ramps within the project limits will also be reconstructed to bring them to current standards for the Americans with Disabilities Act.”

During daytime and overnight work, one way reversing traffic controls will be in effect. Travelers should expect delays. And residents may encounter noise and vibrations associated with the paving activities.

Daytime curb ramp work will begin in Ben Lomond on Monday, August 19 in the shoulder areas. This work should not cause traffic delays. Overnight paving work will begin mid-September and traffic delays can be expected through October 30. Updates will be ongoing.

Granite Construction is the contractor for the $2.4 million project.

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